ZODIAC is a shoe for technical and demanding approaches. It has incredible torsional stability, a quality only found in the heaviest mountaineering boots. Like the rest of the family, it is equipped with the patented Bascula Adaptive System technology, which gives stability and protection to the foot, which allow the sole to adapt to the ground. In addition, the heel control facilitates progression on steep and sloping terrain. With a precise shape, the split upper is soft and equipped with 37.5 technology which ensures the optimal foot temperature.
- ZGORNJI DEL: Perwanger 1.8 mm vodoodbojen semiš. Sock-Fit DVL sistem, ki objame nogo kot nogavica. Zaščitna guma na prstih.
- ZAVEZOVANJE: vezalke do prstov, vzete od plezalnikov za maksimalno prilagajanje in udobje.
- VLOŽEK: iz polipropilena
- PODLOGA Cocona® 37.5® zračen, raztegljiv material, ki omogoča hitro vpijanje potu, izhlapevanje le-tega in nadzoruje vonjave.
- PODPLAT: Vibram Drumlin
- Teža: 480 g (1/2 para pri št. 42)